sorry folks small chests sold out in 3 minutes. I know it's frustrating, we will do a pre order for them next now that we know they can be readily made. thanks for the patience. more info on that soon! for now, check out the CR1 road bike?
sorry folks small chests sold out in 3 minutes. I know it's frustrating, we will do a pre order for them next now that we know they can be readily made. thanks for the patience. more info on that soon! for now, check out the CR1 road bike?
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ethos & experience

goes under "WE/US"

our story- ew, too corporate language? what started the designer process- lack of cute, functional stuff for bikes, aesthetics 

.we love bike riding.

Pricing- how we price items, not here to grow perpetually but keep steady until we are no longer needed. direct to consumer.

Shipping- no waste, no packaging, we're working on how to make shipping cheaper so bear with us

MUSA- why this is important to us, connecticut manufacturing