Nutmeg Nor'Easter 2024

Hi Everyone!  this page has the events schedule and the route descriptions and links as well as Jess's Menu. 

Schedule of Events

*All events taking place in Clifton Hall unless otherwise distinguished 


Friday Oct 25


10pm-11am: SIGN IN- Flea Market Merchants 


12pm-11am: SIGN IN- Everybody


5pm: Bike Check 101 Session (Leary Hall)


7pm-8pm: Welcome Circle & Housekeeping


8pm: RRR- Route Review w/ Ronnie


9pm-10pm “TreadSetters” movie (Clifton Hall)


9pm+ RAR New Haven Happy Hour BYOB (Leary Hall)


10pm-11pm: Karaoke


Saturday Oct 26


6am-11am: SIGN IN


7:30am: Welcome Circle & Lay of the Land


8am: Opening Circle / Amala’s blessings- kyi kyi so so (Front Field)


9am: Start Rides / Skunk Misery plays farewell


+++++ Rides +++++


4pm: Ditch Medicines Session (Leary Hall)


5pm: Poetry Session (Leary Hall)


4pm-9pm: PIZZA PARTY & Gilmore Girls on TV (a few slices each please) 


7:30pm-8:30pm: Spit Take & Missed Cues- 2 New Haven bands! 


9pm-10:30pm: Rocksteady Disco dance party


Sunday Oct 27


7am: Meditation Session (Leary Hall)


8am: Yoga Session (Leary Hall: only enough room for 10 people)


9am: RRR- Race Review w/ Ronnie Line Up (outside clifton meetup)


10am: SCORCHER RACE (North Field) 

** spectators welcome and highly encouraged**


11am- Speed Dating and/or Friendshiping (Leary Hall)


12 noon: Podiums & Closing Circle (Clifton Hall)


1pm-3pm: Pack up and s’long til next year! Save the Date: Oct 24-26, 2025



RIDE WITH GPX ROUTE COLLECTION: kinda fun to see them all on one map.

7 miler from Clinton train station to Deer Lake Camp easy ride up from the station. there are a few amenities in Clinton that I waypointed on the route detail including some New Haven style pizza and a grocery store that is kinda trashy but has discounted gourmet food and socks that you might like (Ocean State Job Lot). I was born and raised in Clinton, and Job Lot is a really quite defining. 

10 mile rough stuff on some smooth enough dirt and classic trails. this is good for a shakedown or quick exploration. 38mm tires should do it, although you might have to dance around a big on the single track.

29 mile chunky and some smooth enough dirt. this one is for those who want chunk, but don’t want to go big on the mileage. trade off is that you don’t get to go through any town for resupply really. there is a short detour you can take at the top of the route to hit up a farm stand that has pizza and other goodies though. its the waypoint at the top of the course. 38mm tires should do the trick, although you will be underbiking in places. 

34 mile easy mostly paved down to a very scenic state beach. not to mention a lot of fancy dining and shopping options in down town Madison. bring your monocle to fit in. this ride only has a very light touch of smooth grav, and the rest is very pleasant low to no traffic country road. 28mm tires would be fine.

36 mile most smooth grav with kinda “meh” first 6 miles. this is for the folks who want dirt but not the chunk. It stays away from most towns, so there aren’t any amenities, but its a really nice ride! 

55 mile half dirt and chunk half country road. this is a great ATB route that will take you through some really classic NE samplings. half way point is down town Chester “the Paris of Nutmeg Country”. here you will find plenty of amenities including Simon’s Market, and Little House Brewing for those who are thirsty. they open at noon. Otto Neapolitan pizza also opens at noon. 38mm tires should do it, but I would go 42 or above if I were you. a few changes from last year including a re-route around that no trespassing section with the gate.

57 mile road and smooth enough gravel for most sections but not all with a half way stop at J.P. Weigle's shop on the other side of the river. this one is a double crossing on the ferry after a short but hilly road loop to the shop for saddle sniffing and snacks. first ferry is 10:30am and costs $2 cash.

84 mile country road ride is a really nice road ride with only one dirt climb. just a smidge. this ride has a ferry ride and a midway stop at J.P. Weigles shop. first ferry is 10:30am, so plan accordingly. you can also have a nice breakfast in chester while you wait for the ferry to open.

85 mile Nutmeg Triangle Sampler. a Connecticut sized adventure. thats not very big, but sure -- this will test you. changes from last year: I took out the more brutal stuff and tried to give it more flow. this one might be faster moving as far as terrain goes from the 55 miler, but still has plenty of rough stuff including a few ridable single track sections, but fewer than last year. You will go through downtown Chester if you need some coffee or resupply, and then take the chester Hadlyme Ferry across (first ferry is 10:30am).  Ferry costs $2 cash, so be sure you have that on you! The half way point of this ride is the traditional stop at J.P. Weigle’s workshop in Lyme CT. there will be some bikes to check out and some water to fill up here, as well as light snacks. 38mm tires will do it, but 42 and above would be better.